
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

Following are a few of the research papers published on the subject of solid water particles. Many of the earlier papers use the original term “stable water clusters.” “Solid water particle” is more understandable and conveys the essence of this phenomenon.

The full versions of these papers are available for download on this page. For more extensive research information and papers please contact us.

Other Scientists Discussing Our Work

Elia V., Ausanio G., De Ninno A., Germano R., Napoli E., and Niccoli M. (2014) "Experimental Evidences of Stable Water Nanostructures at Standard Pressure and Temperature Obtained by Iterative Filtration." WATER 5, 121-130.

Elia V., Ausanio G., De Ninno A., Gentile F., Germano R., Napoli E., and Niccoli M. (2014) "Experimental Evidence of Stable Aggregates of Water at Room Temperature and Normal Pressure After Iterative Contact with a Nafion® Polymer Membrane." WATER 5, 16-26.

Chikramane P.S., Suresh A.K, Bellare J.R., and Kane S.G. (2010) "Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective." Homeopathy 99, 231-242.